Upper Extremity Arterial Doppler with Segmental Pressures

1)   Bilateral brachial arm pressures should not differ by more than 20 mmHg

2)   Finger/Brachial Index
a. Normal    >0.75
b. Abnormal <0.75

3)   Pressure measurements between adjacent cuff sites on the same arm should
not differ by more than 10 mmHg (brachial and forearm)

4)   Pressure measurements differences at the same cuff level on opposite arms
should not exceed 20 mmHg

5)   The pressures in the radial and ulnar arteries should be within 5-10 mmHg of one
another. A pressure difference  >= 20mmHG indicates obstruction in the vessel with
the lower pressure

Thoracic Outlet

1)   Normal - The resting waveform obtained by PPG remains unchanged during positional changes of arm

2)   Abnormal - The resting waveform obtained by PPG is attenuated or flattened with positional changes of arm