Weather Roulette, Page 4


In the Aftermath, Things Changed

No event organizer wants to stage an event  plagued by injuries.  It is a pity that such developments occur, but at least some useful lessons can be salvaged from them.

The 1998 Pittsburgh Marathon is scheduled for May 3rd, with a starting time of 8:30 am. Here is the heat index profile for the projected race time:

Pittsburgh, PA-May 3rd-heat index-frequency distribution-8 am to 1 pm-1961-1990.gif (8052 bytes)

What has been gained by moving the race 15 days earlier on the calendar and 2 hours earlier in the day? First, hourly heat index values greater than 80°F have fallen from 15% to 0%. Second, average heat index for the race hours has fallen from 67°F to 57°F. Are these differences significant? Definitely. In the upper range of heat index values, small drops in temperature result in major reduction in race injuries and race times.

The 1998 Pittsburgh Marathon is a mature event.  A visit to the Pittsburgh Marathon Web Site reveals an impressive amount of useful information, which is  part of an integrated effort to support a major sports event  important to the city of Pittsburgh.

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